quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008

Hey, you guys! It's good to see that our sandbox is taking flight and gaining altitude. Anyway, the blog is amazing, and so is the Logo. My compliments to the designer.

4 comentários:

AR disse...

Great looking blog - nice work, Tiago. Now post up your final versions of 'HOME'. There will be some creative writing versions of recklessness to come soon, too.

Anónimo disse...

Nice nice nice Tiago.Nice layot,nice colours,nice logo there.You did it yourself?Awsome photoshop skillz dude :D
Anyway,when you can,add me.I'm Saul.

I'm out.Be good.

Saul Santos

Beatriz disse...

hello :P

The cartoon is wicked, love it!

I sooo want to read your work...guys, you must post them!
don't forget to comment other group blogs (: it'll be nice!

keep cool! *

Tiago disse...

thanx everyone! sorry i'm so slow...
saul - i already made the invitation, but i'll refresh it (playingguy@hotmail.com right?). the logo credits are due to my brother! he's the design master...!
beatriz, thanx 4 the compliment and reminder! i'll be seeing other blogs soon. and posting... what a vaccum shame...! c ya dudez!